10 Productive Things To Do In Self-isolation

10 Productive Things To Do In Self-isolation

This is a Global Pandemic, something which none of us have ever experienced in our lifetime. Before we get into that, let’s find out a little bit more about the Coronavirus and how it is affecting billions of people around the World. Here is how people are getting infected with this virus and the steps that we can all take in order to minimise the risks of getting the virus (COVID-19).

What is COVID-19?

Well, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).

Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

What should I do to prevent catching and spreading it?

Here are some simple yet most effective steps you can take everyday to prevent catching the Coronavirus. Please do the following to protect yourself, your family and friends and encourage others to do the same. 

Tips on How to Protect Yourself and Others 

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for about 20 seconds or use a hand sanitising gel. (preferably wash hands every two hours)
  • Catch coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues
  • Throw away any used tissues immediately in the bin then wash your hands again
  • If you don’t have a tissue, use your sleeves
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • And you must avoid close contact with people who are unwell, have symptoms or tested positive with the virus.

What To Do in Self-isolation During Covid-19?

Here I have some suggestions for you on how to spend your times during the lockdown, self-isolation or self-quarantine: 

10 Productive Things To Do In Self-isolation

As you know, the virus took an unexpected turn in a space of a few months. It has changed our lifestyle completely. Millions of people around the world have lost loved ones, their freedom, their jobs, and their businesses. 

Self-isolating can be tough and can badly affect your mental health. Many families are struggling to adapt to the new rules and parents are constantly under stress with home-schooling and to satisfy the needs of their children. 

However, it’s not as bad as it seems. There are lots of activities or new hobbies that you can do regularly to benefit your health and well-being. 

Here is a list of things you can do at home:

1. Exercise regularly – This does not have to be every day, as long as you aim to exercise for at least two hours a week. A regular exercise will help you stay healthy and fit.

2. Play games – If you are self-quarantined with your family, there are many board games and puzzles you can play together. You can also create your own games using only paper and pen or use your imagination. If you live alone, video games and solitaire will be great fun.

3. Start a blog – Being at home all day gives you an opportunity to make money online. There are web designers like Wix that allow you to design and build your own website where you can promote brands as a way of making profit. Your website can be anything you want it to be so don’t be afraid to write your own personal blogs.

4. Meditate – Meditating is said to calm all your negative emotions and open your mind to a life of positivity. If you spend 20 minutes meditating every day, you will reduce any stress and anxiety that you may have. It also increases your attention span and your ability to stay level-headed during difficult situations.

“Meditation is one of the greatest arts in life – perhaps the greatest, and one cannot possibly learn it from anybody, that is the beauty of it” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

5. Start a new hobby – This can be cooking, baking, doing a sport you thought you could never do, calligraphy, or even reading. 

6. Binge-watch – Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime have become a big part of our lives. And now, they’re even bigger. Choose your favourite shows and spend a few hours having some “me time” and sit back and relax.

7. Start journaling – Keeping track of your days, thoughts, and dreams are a good way to reflect on who you are and your perspective of your life. Bullet journaling is a wonderful way to get creative and have fun putting in whatever you feel like. Also, if you write 10 things you are grateful for every day, you begin to think and feel good.

8. Spend as much time as you can with your children – Working 9-5 24/7 prevents us from being at home with our kids. For children, it’s not enough to be kissed goodbye and goodnight. They want to talk with you, laugh with you, play with you, and do what they love. Make up games with your children or teach them how to cook and talk with them in bed until they fall asleep.

9. Keep contact with family and friends – Even if you live far away from your family or friends, meeting up with them every few months is better than not seeing one another at all. Remember to text them to see how they’re doing and video call as regularly as you can. That way, you feel like you have people around you even though they’re not physically there.

10. Clean your house – No one wants to be stuck in their house when there are dishes unwashed, laundry not done, and rooms a mess. Deep clean the entire house and do some chores every day to make sure your home is as comfortable and organised as it can be.


  • Please stay home and be safe. 
  • Take care of your loved ones. 
  • Only go out if you must. 
  • Help others in any way you can. (e.g. Delivering foods, medicines and other essentials).
  • Help your relatives, neighbours especially the most vulnerable. 
  • Help them only if you are able and safe to do so. 
  • Stay humble and be positive.

I am certain that God willing this hard time shall pass very soon. I sincerely hope that everything will go back to normal again. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to ask in the comment box below. Thank you 

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Badrul Alam
My name is Badrul, I am the founder of Helpothers2Success.com.